Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is Enlightenment?

The blog Innerlight and Innersound, which posts a great deal from the Indian guru Osho, has a piece by him, where in the process of knocking some other gurus, he adds this

Madame Blavatsky used to play the same trick upon the Theosophists, and great Theosophists like Colonel Olcott and others were deceived. It was found out only later on that she had managed it through a servant; a servant used to hide on the roof. Just think... the roof of Buddha Hall and a sannyasin hiding there, and in the middle of the discourse a letter drops! And Madame Blavatsky used to claim that these letters had come from divine Masters, particularly from Master K. H., Kuthumi, who is the head of all the Masters, who is a direct mediator between God and the earth. Only later on did the servant confess before the court that he was hiding on the roof where there was a small place from which to drop the letters, and those letters were written by Madame Blavatsky herself. And then the experts on writing found out that that was true -- all the letters were written by Blavatsky herself.

Osho (aka Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) may have been wise in many things but in this piece of recounting of Blavatsky’s life he is misguided. “Kuthumi, who is the head of all the Masters, who is a direct mediator between God and the earth,” when no one other than Osho ever claimed such a thing, especially since the same “Kuthumi” wrote that “neither our philosophy nor ourselves believe in a God, least of all in one whose pronoun necessitates a capital H.”

“Only later on did the servant confess before the court that he was hiding on the roof where there was a small place from which to drop the letters, and those letters were written by Madame Blavatsky herself.” It makes a juicy story but not much else. No one confessed anything in any court of law.

“And then the experts on writing found out that that was true -- all the letters were written by Blavatsky herself,” when, actually, the reverse is true about the Mahatma letters.

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